
SSD Advisory – TrendNet AUTHORIZED_GROUP Information Disclosure

Credit to Author: SSD / Maor Schwartz| Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 08:58:11 +0000

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Vulnerability Summary
The following advisory describes an information disclosure found in the following TrendNet routers:

  • TEW-751DR – v1.03B03
  • TEW-752DRU – v1.03B01
  • TEW733GR – v1.03B01

TRENDnet’s “N600 Dual Band Wireless Router, model TEW-751DR, offers proven concurrent Dual Band 300 Mbps Wireless N networking. Embedded GREENnet technology reduces power consumption by up to 50%. For your convenience this router comes pre-encrypted and features guest networks. Seamlessly stream HD video with this powerful router.”

An independent security researcher has reported this vulnerability to Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program.

Vendor response
Several attempts to email TrendNet went unanswered, we have no idea what is the status of a fix or availability of a workaround.

Vulnerability details
When an Admin is log-in to one of the mentioned TrendNet routers – it will trigger the global variable: $AUTHORIZED_GROUP >= 1.

An attacker can use this global variable to bypass security checks and use it to read arbitrary files.

If we will extract the firmware and load it into IDA and take a look at cgibin (phpcgi_main function)- will see that the following:

The interesting part here is the REQUEST_METHOD (HEAD, GET, POST) and how it’s parse the request (cgibin_parse_request):

It should look like that:

Unauthorized users can not execute statements -> AUTHORIZED_GROUP=-1

But, the functions sub_405CF8() is executed before sess_validate()

sub_405CF8() is where you get the AUTHORIZED_GROUP value.

Therefore, If you put AUTHORIZED_GROUP=1 in the request value, you can execute the statement as an authorized user.

Proof of Concept

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