
WhatsApp Scam Alert! Do not be fooled by this new scam

Credit to Author: Rajib Singha| Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 08:00:43 +0000

This is a quick advisory to warn our readers about a new WhatsApp scam that is afoot. In this scam, a fake message is getting circulated which informs a user that their WhatsApp subscription has expired and that they can buy a lifetime service just for 99p by clicking on a link. Clicking on this link will take the user to a phishing page which is maintained by the scammers to capture confidential bank details (credit/debit card no., Internet banking ID and passwords, etc.). What should you do? > If you receive this message from a known sender, inform them about this scam and advise them to block the sender and not to forward the message any further. > Before acting on any such message, check if the app developer’s website has hosted any such message. > Be careful of WhatsApp messages that talk about amazing offers and urge you to click on a link. Scammers use such messages to direct users to fake or infected websites. > Before sharing any message on WhatsApp, ensure it is safe and that it does not affect others in any way. Remember, digital security is a shared responsibility. Stay safe! If you found this post helpful, share it with your friends and inform them about this WhatsApp scam. The post WhatsApp Scam Alert! Do not be fooled by this new scam appeared first on Quick Heal Technologies Security Blog | Latest computer security news, tips, and advice.