
Hack2Win eXtreme

Credit to Author: SSD / Maor Schwartz| Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 08:40:05 +0000

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Hack2Win is a hacking competition we launched 5 years ago.

The competition had so far two flavors – Hack2Win Online and Hack2Win CodeBlue.

We decided to go big this year and with Hack2Win eXtreme!

Hack2Win eXtreme will focus on two primary targets, browsers and mobile.

We have up to $500,000 USD to give away!

The competition will take place during the beVX conference, on September 20-21, 2018.

Targets and prizes


Competition Period
The competition will be held September 20-21 2018 during the beVX conference in Hong Kong

Beyond Security is offering cash and prizes during the competition for vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques against the listed targets in the below categories.

If more than one contestant registers for a given category, the order of the contestants will be drawn at random.

Based on the participation order, the first contestant will be given an opportunity to attempt to compromise the selected target. If unsuccessful, the next randomly drawn contestant will be given an opportunity, and so on. This will continue until a contestant successfully compromises the target.

The first contestant to successfully compromise a selected target will win the prize money for that target in that category.

After a target has been compromised, the contest for that category will be over. Beyond Security may decide to continue the contest and offer an additional prize for that target, in which case this would be announced at the conference.

All prizes are in USD.


  • Browsers
  • Mobile

Targets Devices
Will be update soon

Prizes per target


  • FireFox
  1. Infoleak – 30,000$
  2. Remote Code Execution – 60,000$
  • Chrome
  1. Sandbox Escape – 80,000$
  2. Remote Code Execution – 80,000$


  • Android
  1. Privilege Escalation – 80,000$
  2. Infoleak – 30,000$
  • iOS
  1. Privilege Escalation – 80,000$

Device Settings
The targets will be running on the latest, fully patched version of the operating system available on the selected target.

All targets will be installed in their default configurations.

The vulnerabilities utilized in the attack must be unknown, unpublished, and not previously reported to the vendor.

A given vulnerability may only be used once across all categories.

Winner selection
Upon successful demonstration of the exploit, the contestant will provide a fully functioning exploit plus a whitepaper explaining the vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques used in the attack. Beyond Security will then choose whether the exploit meets the above rules. Beyond Security may choose to accept the entry(ies) but offer a prize at a value less than the initial prize offering for a given category if it decides that part of the exploit chain fails to meet the above rules.

A short white paper including details about all of the vulnerabilities (memory corruption, infoleaks, escalations, etc.) leveraged and the sequence in which they are used must be provided to receive the prizes.

Vulnerabilities and exploit techniques revealed by contest winners will be disclosed to the affected vendors and the exploits and whitepapers will be the property of Beyond Security. The original finder of the vulnerability will receive credit for the vulnerabilities, the whitepaper and the disclosure.

NOTE: Beyond Security reserves the right to solely determine what constitutes a successful attack.

Who Can Apply
The Hack2Win eXtreme is open for registration to anyone who is 18 years of age or older at the time of registration – excluding anyone working for one of the vendors whose equipment is used in the contest or is involved in development of the devices used in the contest. Also excluded are Beyond Security employees and any of its affiliates.

Applicants may apply individually or as a team. All applications must contain valid, true, complete and accurate information.

Beyond Security reserves the right to disqualify any applicant and/or application, at its sole discretion, if untruthful information is submitted.

Beyond Security reserves the right to request further information from the Participant, as may be required in order to evaluate their ability to perform the required tasks at the Competition (this request may include the evidencing of formal identity documents)

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