
Trend Micro Committed to Helping Those in Need – Most Recently in Vancouver

Credit to Author: Marcia Sequeira| Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2018 18:55:40 +0000

January often marks a fresh start for both organizations and individuals. For many, lots of time is put towards goal setting for the year and taking on new challenges. At Trend Micro, a goal of ours every year is to find new ways to give back to local communities so that we are not only helping make the world a safer place but a more compassionate one as well.

That’s why we’d like to share details of our annual volunteer service project we held in Vancouver this past week. Many of the team was visiting for a global meeting, and so it was the perfect time to get everyone together and help those in the Vancouver area. 

Going downtown 

Trend Micro was founded 30 years ago and ever since we’ve been trying to make the world safer for businesses and consumers to exchange digital information. This spirit of giving back runs right through the company from top to bottom. It’s led us all over the world — building homes in the Philippines, providing earthquake relief in Japan and subsidizing security products for low-income Taiwanese families.

But charity begins at home, so this week we focused on two schools in the downtown Vancouver area: Lord Strathcona Community School and Grandview Elementary School. Our purpose is to make a lasting difference on these students lives, through our donations and the work of our volunteers. Over the course of a day, Trend Micro implemented the following three programs: 

Internet Safety for Kids Program:

  • This program is aimed at teaching kids how to use the web safely and is founded on four key ideas: be you, be kind, be safe, be smart.
  • Taught by our employees, students are taken through scenarios where they get to practice making smart choices on the internet.

World Fair:

  • This program offers students the opportunity to attend online sessions led by Trend employees from around the world.
  • This year 13 countries were represented including: Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Brazil, Canada, U.S, Ireland, France, Germany, UK, India and Egypt.

Community Garden Activities:

  • In this program, students make fresh vegetable soup using produce from the sustainable garden planted by our team.

Trend Micro: Just Giving

Combined, there were 1,300 Trenders volunteering their time at either of the two schools and we’re thrilled to share that we raised more than $65,000 CAD for them thanks to our generous employees. With 100% of funds raised going to the schools themselves and the kids, we couldn’t be happier with this year’s volunteer service project!

I am so proud to have been part of this years’ service project.  As a Canadian, I am so excited to have this take place in our own backyard, and I am proud of the generosity and dedication of not only our Canadian Trenders, but by Trenders from all over the world who have come here with open hearts, ready to make a difference to both Vancouver schools.

It’s not until you take part in one of these projects that you realize just how much can be accomplished when we come together as an organization. When we met the kids this week, I have honestly never done so many high-fives and fist bumps in my life, nor felt so proud to be a Trender.

So, let’s keep going and make every day count.

As a final thought, I leave you with Lord Strathcona Community’s school motto: “Take Care of Ourselves. Take Care of Others. Take Care of this Place.”