
This Week in Security News: Meltdowns and Hijacks

Credit to Author: Jon Clay| Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 14:00:41 +0000

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, we saw discussions on the vulnerabilities of chat bots and AI programs, and the types of software that may not be safe from malware and hackers.

Read on to learn more.



Meltdown and Spectre Intel Processor Vulnerabilities: What You Need to Know

Microsoft, Linux, Google, and Apple started rolling out patches addressing design flaws in processor chips that security researchers named Meltdown and Spectre. Here’s what you need to know about these flaws.

Security Predictions for 2018: Paradigm Shifts

Today’s increasingly interconnected environments pave the way for threats that will bank on systems’ weaknesses for different forms of cybercrime. How can you prepare for the year ahead? 

New Mobile Malware Uses Layered Obfuscation and Targets Russian Banks

Last year, we saw the Fanta SDK malware target Russian bank Sberbank users and employ unique defensive measures. Now, another bank malware family has appeared, targeting even more Russian banks while using new and evolved obfuscation techniques.

‘Back to Basics’ Might Be Your Best Security Weapon

Despite an influx of best-in-breed security technologies, organizations around the world are seeing a continued rise in cyber-attacks. There are big implications, from financial consequences to loss of customer trust.

CISOs’ No. 1 Concern in 2018: The Talent Gap

The top concern among CISOs for 2018 falls outside the typical realm of attacks, employee negligence, or staffing shortages, according to findings released this week in a Ponemon Institute Survey.

Cyber Security Insurance: Nine Questions to Ask to Determine Your Exposure

There is an increased interest in cyber security insurance for businesses, amid frequent news of computer hacking, network intrusions, data theft, and high-profile ransomware attacks. 

A Rundown of Microsoft’s New Patch Deployment Process

On January 3, Microsoft issued an emergency security update for Windows 10 ahead of its monthly Patch Tuesday, which addresses the recently disclosed design flaws found in Intel processor chips. 

Executives Should Patch, Not Panic, Over Latest Computer Bugs

A vulnerability announced this week in a range of popular microchips has some executives worried, but experts are cautioning them to focus on the core issues that their security teams may have to deal with. 

How New Chat Platforms Can Be Abused by Cybercriminals

Chat platforms such as Discord, Slack, and Telegram have become quite popular as office communication tools. But one thing must be asked: Can it be abused by cybercriminals? 

Advisers Are Apparently Ignoring Cybersecurity Threats

Only 27% of RIAs surveyed by TD Ameritrade suggest that “cybersecurity issues,” even when very broadly defined, are likely to impact client portfolios during 2018. Experts suggest this is just wishful thinking. 

Did any of these stories surprise you? Let me know your thoughts below, or follow me on Twitter: @JonLClay.