
Trend Micro Kicks Off 2018 In Vancouver Helping Those In Need

Credit to Author: Trend Micro| Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2018 14:00:04 +0000

The holiday season is traditionally a time for friends and family, gift-giving and celebrations. But it’s also a time to remember those less fortunate than ourselves, and to do what we can to make their lives better. As a responsible corporate citizen, Trend Micro is always keen to find new ways to give back to local communities and make the world not only a safer place but a more compassionate one.

That’s why we’d like to share details of our annual volunteer service project during the week of our Sales Kick Off (SKO) in January. We’re all hoping it’s going to have the same kind of impact as in previous years as the team descends on downtown Vancouver. 

Going downtown 

Trend Micro was founded more than 28 years ago and ever since we’ve been trying to make the world safer for businesses and consumers to exchange digital information. This spirit of giving back runs right through the company from top to bottom. It’s led us all over the world — building homes in the Philippines, providing earthquake relief in Japan and subsidizing security products for low-income Taiwanese families.

But charity begins at home, so we’re focusing in January on two schools in the downtown Vancouver area: Grandview Elementary and Strathcona Elementary. The idea is that during the week of the SKO (9-11 Jan) we really make a lasting difference to these kids’ lives, through our donations and the work of our volunteers. Strathcona Elementary principal, Jason Eng, visited our Ottawa office in October and told us all about the challenges facing his organization in supporting “vulnerable learners.” He explained how some of his students’ parents live on the street, and that for many, the last meal they have on Friday at school is the last meal they’ll have all weekend. 

Could you imagine how different your children’s lives would be if there was no food at home? Or if they spent their waking hours worrying if their parents could survive another night in the cold? 

Trend Micro: just giving 

Over the past four years, we’ve raised over $115,000 for schools in New Orleans, Dallas and Florida, with 100 percent of funds raised going to the schools themselves and the kids. It’s not until you take part in one of these projects that you realize just how much can be accomplished when we pull together as an organization. When we met the kids we worked with last year, I have honestly never done so many high-fives and fist bumps in my life, nor felt so proud to be a Trender.

So, let’s make this one count.