
TippingPoint Threat Intelligence and Zero-Day Coverage – Week of January 1, 2018

Credit to Author: Elisa Lippincott (TippingPoint Global Product Marketing)| Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2018 16:45:25 +0000

Happy New Year! It’s out with the old, in with the new, right? Except we all know that the old tends to stick around, especially when it comes to vulnerabilities and patching them. Trend Micro predicts that that 2018’s biggest attacks will originate from known vulnerabilities. And speaking of known vulnerabilities, the Zero Day Initiative knew of more than 1,000 of them before anyone else. 2017 was a record breaking year for the Zero Day Initiative, with 1,009 published. That’s more than 300 more than 2016! I invite you to read Dustin Childs’ blog “The ZDI 2017 Retrospective” to get more details on the types of bugs submitted and what’s in store for 2018.

Zero-Day Filters

There are no new zero-day filters in this week’s Digital Vaccine (DV) package. A number of existing filters in this week’s DV package were modified to update the filter description, update specific filter deployment recommendation, increase filter accuracy and/or optimize performance. You can browse the list of published advisories and upcoming advisories on the Zero Day Initiative website. You can also follow the Zero Day Initiative on Twitter @thezdi and on their blog.

Missed Last Week’s News?

Catch up on last week’s news in my weekly recap.