
Trend Micro: Winning at Wellness Again

Credit to Author: Bob Kedrosky| Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 13:30:59 +0000

In the never-ending race for profits, shareholder value and customer wins, organizations can sometimes forget about their employees. Yet in reality, your workers are your number one asset: if they feel undervalued or disrespected it can rip the heart and soul out of the organization, setting off a chain reaction from which it can be difficult to recover. We all need to get better at recognizing this, which is why innovative initiatives such as The Nation’s Best and Brightest in Wellness exist.

Trend Micro is delighted to have just been named one of the latest winners. It’s our second such award in a row and makes us the only corporation in Texas, where our HQ is based, to be recognized.

Best and Brightest

Now in its sixth year, the The Nation’s Best and Brightest in Wellness® initiative is the brainchild of the National Association of Business Resources (NABR). It aims to recognize and celebrate excellence in health awareness; organizations that go the extra mile to make their business and the wider community a healthier place to live and work.

Like all the other winning companies, Trend Micro was evaluated according to an assessment created by leading wellness firm SynBella. Points were awarded based on multiple criteria including:  outcomes; analysis and tracking; participation & incentives; benefits and programs; leadership; employee input; culture; and environment.

The Trend Micro philosophy

The program’s guiding principles are: Better Business. Richer Lives. Stronger Communities. This wouldn’t be out of place as a Trend Micro mission statement. In fact, from day one as a company, we’ve always been keenly aware of the contribution our employees make to the success of the business. They’re our number one asset, so we make it our job to ensure we do everything possible to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing — whether that involves building world-class facilities or creating the right work-life balance to ensure staff are ready to take on any challenges that come their way.

With only around 70 organizations and just a handful of tech companies chosen as this year’s winners, we’re delighted to have been recognized again for 2017. In a highly competitive industry like cybersecurity it can be easy for firms to focus on profits at the expense of all else. But we take the same line as NABR President, Jennifer Kluge, when she says: “Healthy work environments and motivated, engaged teams have been shown to translate directly to improved business performance and financial health for an organization.”

That’s why we’ll continue to look for opportunities to enrich the lives of our staff and the communities we serve — not just in the US but for our 6,000 employees all over the world.