
12 Essential Elements of Data Center Facility Operations

Credit to Author: Anthony DeSpirito| Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2017 16:00:09 +0000

Perhaps you’ve heard this stat before, or something like it: 70% of data center outages are directly attributable to human error.

It’s a scary stat to be sure, especially when you consider that it comes from an Uptime Institute analysis of its “abnormal incident” database, meaning it’s based on actual data center outages, not some statistical derivation. For anyone charged with operating data centers, the stat should raise the question, “OK, so how do we improve data center operations?”

That is the basic question addressed in a new e-book, “12 Essential Elements of Data Center Facility Operations.” The e-book describes the management principles and operational program elements that it takes to run a mission critical data center efficiently and reliably throughout its life cycle. It also looks at emerging cloud-based data center monitoring services and explains how they are transforming data center operations.

The guide presents a balanced approach to a facility management program and lays out 12 essential program elements, along with practical tips and advice for effective data center maintenance and operations. It’s suitable for data center managers looking to develop an operations and maintenance (O&M) program or for performing a gap analysis on an existing program.

The guide describes the “mission critical mentality” that a data center operations team must have to succeed, making clear why it’s so important. For one, most of those human errors occur because of poor data center maintenance and operations practices. And those practices wind up costing money, since most data center total cost of ownership is wrapped up in operating expenses, not capital expenses. So, there’s money to be saved in getting your data center O&M house in order.

But the e-book won’t cost you a dime. Click here now to download the “12 Essential Elements of Data Center Facility Operations.”


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