
Here’s Why You Should Consider A Career In Cybersecurity

Credit to Author: Mark Nunnikhoven (Vice President, Cloud Research)| Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2017 19:06:21 +0000

Cybersecurity team working together at a computer workstation

The need for more technologists with cybersecurity skills is undeniable. That may be an awkward way to phrase it, but it’s a better representation that “cybersecurity professionals.” In today’s world, everyone who works on and with technology needs to be aware of cybersecurity challenges. This week as part of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), let’s take a closer look at what a career in cybersecurity looks like.

The goal of security is simple: make sure that the technology does what it’s supposed to…and only that.

Most people assume that it’s security’s job to stop hackers and prevent breaches. That is part of it but only part. Cybersecurity teams work towards the same goal as the rest of IT, delivering technologies that help move the business forward. Solutions must be resilient and reliable to meet that goal

With that broader perspective, you can start to get an idea of the diverse roles available within cybersecurity. Or more accurately, the blurring of lines between what were separate roles with other IT roles that now focus on security.

The opportunity to apply cybersecurity knowledge shows up in all technology roles.

4 Reasons To Specialize

There are four main reasons why you should be passionate about diving into cybersecurity as a career focus.

#1. Near unlimited potential growth

A good cybersecurity professional works to understand as much about how about how technologies and organizations work as possible.

A great cybersecurity professional realizes that the learning never stops.

That’s a massive opportunity to stay engaged and challenged. The possibilities for personal and career growth are endless.

#2. Variety

All of the opportunities for growth stem from the variety of technologies and situations security professionals face. If it uses ones and zeros, it has a cybersecurity component (and some roles even extend to physical security!).

Security professionals get the chance to work directly with teams on technologies and systems they never dreamed of. From robots to cars to websites serving millions and millions of users, the variety is near infinite.

That’s an exciting career prospect. Bored is not a word you’ll often be using.

#3. Puzzles

Add together the growth of technology, and it’s variety, and you start to get a glimpse of the different types of puzzles that cybersecurity professionals have to deal with.

In cybersecurity, we rely on some tried and true principles, but the current tactics can change day-to-day. There’s always a new puzzle that needs to be solved.

With each new wave of technology, new risks are created. It’s the job of the security professional to identify, understand, and then help address these risks.

#4. Impact

Working with technology can make it hard to determine the impact of your work. Cybersecurity matters. It can extend beyond the digital world and into the physical one.

Equifax hack impacted one hundred and forty-five million Americans. That impact was unconditionally negative, but for every Equifax, there are millions and millions of safe and secure transactions made online.

From banking to buying to chatting with friends, security technologies make a lot of our current digital world possible.

Start Learning, Keep Learning

Cybersecurity has the two primary logistical requirements for an active career, low-to-no unemployment and reasonable compensation. But more importantly, it’s a career that you’ll never be bored with.

If you choose this path, you’ll always have room to grow. You’ll continually be learning new skills and working to understand new technologies.  New challenges will keep popping up, and you’ll see a multitude of new people, situations, and opportunities.

What more could you ask for in a career? Dive in now. Get learning.