
SSD Advisory – ZTE uSmartView DLL Hijacking

Credit to Author: SSD / Maor Schwartz| Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 06:43:40 +0000

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Vulnerability summary
The following advisory describes an DLL Hijacking found in ZTE uSmartView.

ZTE uSmartView offers: “ZTE provides full series of cloud computing products (including cloud terminals, cloud desktops, virtualization software, and cloud storage products) and end-to-end integrated product, which can be applied to different scenarios such as office, training classroom, multimedia classroom, and business hall.”

An independent security researcher has reported this vulnerability to Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program

Vendor Response
ZTE has been notified on the 13th of August 2017, several emails were exchanged, but no ETA for a fix or workaround have been provided for the following vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability details
When uSmartView starts on a Windows machine it tries to load a DLL (pcacli.dll) from the C:Program Files (x86)vdcientry directory, if a malicious attacker puts the DLL in that directory uSmartView will load it and run the code found in it – without giving the user any warning of it.

This happens because uSmartView does not provide file pcacli.dll. Furthermore, writing in C:Program Files (x86)vdcientry doesn’t require any special privileges.

Since uSmartView can require admin privileges an attacker can place the pcacli.dll and cause command execution as the current user (usually admin).

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