
An MC Hawking Song Is My First Email

Credit to Author: Jason Koebler| Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 17:00:00 +0000

My First Email is a series of chat interviews about digital archaeology. Today we are talking to Motherboard contributing editor Sarah Emerson. -Jason Koebler

JASON: Here are the rules. Go into Gmail, sort reverse chronologically, and open the first email you see. Sarah, what was your first email?
SARAH: my first email (that I can still recover) was from my friend Steven. Steven was also the person who told me to open a Gmail account, which I did during my senior year of high-school. I don’t remember AT ALL the events that led to him forwarding me a song by MC Hawking (an artist from the early aughts who claimed to be the astrophysicist Stephen Hawking) but I’m sure there was a mildly interesting story behind it. Steven works for NASA, the last time I checked.

my second, third, fourth, etc. oldest emails are me forwarding things and reminders to myself. I still use email like this—as a calendar and note-taking system, which is probably incredibly inefficient but works.

anyway, reading this old email makes me sad because Steven and i don’t talk anymore. he was my really good friend, but in the years following college, something happened and we no longer speak. if you ever read this, Steven, I miss you and I hope we can be friends again.

are we gonna pub the screenshot? if so, i will black out the email addresses

Yeah, black it out.

Do you like MC Hawking?
i don’t even remember ever listening to MC Hawking
MC Hawking isn’t on spotify. Could you send me a “Brief History of Rhyme?”
A brief history of rhyme is the ALBUM. Let me look. This song was “Entropy.”

This song is kind of dope. This is definitely the easiest way to rap though.
I think the real Stephen Hawking would find it funny. Oh my god, he performed FOR Stephen Hawking!!!
Do you like other nerdcore?
Is B.o.B. nerdcore?
Do you like B.o.B.?
No I just remember Neil deGrasse Tyson got really mad about his flat earth song.
This is how you feel about Steven:

Yeah pretty much.