
Join us at Black Hat 2017

Credit to Author: Ed Cabrera (Chief Cybersecurity Officer)| Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 12:00:34 +0000

Hackers can make a number of easily identifiable mistakes.

Hide your phones, hide your laptops ‘cause they’re hackin’ everyone out here! For the 20th year, on July 26 and 27, thousands of cybersecurity executives, researchers and enthusiasts will descend upon Las Vegas for Black Hat 2017, including some of Trend Micro’s finest. Throughout the week, Trend Micro experts and researchers can be found sharing insight during two briefings and one arsenal session, visiting with industry professionals at our booth and meeting with reporters, analysts and potential customers.

With so much going on in only two days it can be difficult to decipher where to begin, but if you’re hoping to spend time with our team we’ve outlined below where you can scout us out during the conference. Additionally, we’ve provided some helpful #ProTips to navigating the conference and keep your personal information secure – let’s not kid ourselves now, this is a security conference after all.

Go Beyond Next-Gen with XGen™ 

#ProTip: Don’t forget to eat a substantial breakfast and pack snacks for energy! Two full back-to-back days will require sustenance to keep you going. 

Without a doubt, you can always find someone at the Trend Micro booth, No. 532. For this year’s event we will continue showcasing our XGen™ approach by taking visitors on a space shuttle ride through the world of security. Members of our team will also be available to meet with current and prospective partners, share our offerings and provide information on how to ensure personal and enterprise security. Additionally, those visiting the booth will receive a free Trend Micro t-shirt.

Class is in [Briefing] Session 

#ProTip: Bring a pencil and paper to your briefing sessions. You’re going to be surrounded by professional hackers, so this probably isn’t the best time to be taking notes on a device. You might as well stick a sign to your back reading, “Hack me! Hack me!” 

Several of our senior threat researchers, including Federico Maggi, Marco Balduzzi, Vincenzo Ciancaglini, Ryan Flores and Lion Gu, have the opportunity to present during two briefing sessions and one arsenal session during the conference. The team will be sharing research on the recently published Industrial Robots report, as well as ShieldSF and DefPloreX. For more information on each session, check out the brief descriptions below.

Briefing Session – Breaking the Laws of Robotics: Attacking Industrial Robots
Presenter: Federico Maggi and colleagues from Politecnico di Milano

Date/Time: Thursday, July 27, 11 – 11:50 a.m.

Location: Mandalay Bay AB 

Description: Industrial robots are complex cyber-physical systems used for manufacturing, and a critical component of any modern factory.

Briefing Session – ShieldFS: The Last Word in Ransomware Resilient File Systems
Presenter: Federico Maggi and colleagues from Politecnico di Milano

Date/Time: Wednesday, July 26, 2:40 -3:30 pm

Location: Mandalay Bay AB

Description: In this talk, we will present ShieldFS, a drop-in driver that makes the Windows native filesystem immune to ransomware attacks.

Arsenal Session – DefPloreX: A Machine-Learning Toolkit for Large-scale eCrime Forensics
Presenters: Marco Balduzzi, Federico Maggi, Vincenzo Ciancaglini, Ryan Flores & Lion Gu

Date: Thursday, July 27, 1:00pm-2:20pm

Location:  Business Hall, Level 2, Station 3

Description: DefPloreX ingests plain CSV inputs about web incidents to analyze, explores their resources with headless browsers, extracts features from deface pages, and uploads the resulting data to an Elastic index. 

You’re Invited! 

#ProTip: Be sure to bring a bottle of water. You’ll be mingling in the Vegas heat all day and night, so you’ll need to remain hydrated! 

As always, Trend Micro will be hosting its VIP guests on Tuesday, July 25, from 6-9 p.m. in true Las Vegas fashion with treats, cocktails and billiards. Those in attendance will be entered for a chance to win one of three Phantom 3 Drones being awarded every hour during the reception. This event is a chance for us to meet with press, colleagues and partners in a casual, yet luxurious setting. If you’re interested in attending, please register here.

Follow Along

#ProTip: Dress for comfort from head to toe! You’re sure to get your 10,000 steps in before noon – pack a reliable pair of shoes so you can stay focused on the information you’re hearing and not that blister on your heel.

Whether you’ll be at Black Hat or not, be sure to follow along with everything we’re doing by following us @TrendMicro or keeping up with this blog throughout the week. We will share what we’re learning, our favorite sessions and general event info.