
SSD Advisory – Iceni Infix Multiple Crashes

Credit to Author: SSD / Maor Schwartz| Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 11:18:28 +0000

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Crashes Summary
An independent security researcher has reported 36 different crashes in Iceni Infix. We decided to publish 1 sample out of the 36 crashes – if you want to get the remaining 35 crashes, please contact us via email ssd [at] beyondsecurity (dot) com.

“Infix PDF Editor and Infix PDF Editor Pro is popular PDF editing software that can be used to edit PDF text. The program is very simple to use when you want to edit the text size, font, font color and more. You can also use Infix PDF Editor to edit whole paragraphs of the PDF document or even completely reformat the text.

Infix works like a normal word processor, so it’s really easy to use. It’s easy and quick – change text, fonts, images and more. No interface gimmicks, no ribbons!”

An independent security researcher has reported this vulnerability to Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program.

Vendor response
Iceni has released patches to address these crashes “We have resolved these issues in Infix version 7.1.4 which is the current release.”

Crash example – infix.exe+0x29C59F Access violation while writing reserved but unallocated memory

Binary information



Disassembly of stack frame 1 at Infix.exe + 0x29C59F

Disassembly of stack frame 2 at Infix.exe + 0x29C3E1

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