
Beware of the JokerQuiz – It’s a fraud!

Credit to Author: Threat Research Labs| Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 07:20:51 +0000

Adware are unwanted programs installed on the system with or without user consent. They change your Internet browser’s settings and display unwanted and fraudulent pop-up ads. They also trick users by offering unbelievable deals. With technological advancements, adware are becoming smarter.

JokerQuiz is one such adware that pretends to be a quiz where the winner can get a Samsung S7 or iPhone 7 at a nominal price.


Fig 1

How it works?

1. The questions asked in the JokerQuiz are really simple enough to push the targeted user into the scammer’s trap. On giving the right answer, the user can get a Samsung S7 or iPhone 7 at a nominal price. The amount can range from Rs. 250 – Rs. 500.


Fig 2

2. The quiz then asks for the user’s mobile number and then it generates an OTP which is sent to the provided number. The displayed amount is added to the next billing cycle of the user or it gets deducted from the user’s top-up recharge (fig 3, fig 4).

jokerquiz_3Fig 3

Fig 4

As we can see, such offers are charming enough to fool almost anyone. It is strongly recommended not to trust any such offers or ads no matter how tempting they are. Genuine quiz games never ask for money and expensive mobile phones such as these are never available at such cheap prices. Remember, a slip for gaining things for free can lead to unfortunate consequences.

Precautionary measures

  • Never trust offers that are too good to be true. If you think something is fishy, then most probably it is. Always trust your instinct
  • Never pay for a deal that is not known to you
  • Never share your personal or confidential details such as mobile numbers, credit/debit card numbers, bank account details or passwords/PIN/OTP



Subject Matter Expert
 – Nayan Vairagi | Quick Heal Security Labs

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