
Pwn2Own 2017 – Day Three Schedule and Results

Credit to Author: Dustin Childs (Zero Day Initiative Communications)| Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 00:07:09 +0000

The third and final day of the largest Pwn2Own shapes up with four entries and the awarding of Master of Pwn. It’s a tight race with multiple teams still in the running. Here’s the schedule for Day Three:

9:00am – 360 Security (@mj011sec) targeting Microsoft Edge with a SYSTEM-level escalation and a virtual machine escape

11:00am – Richard Zhu (fluorescence) targeting Microsoft Edge with a SYSTEM-level escalation

12:30pm – Tencent Security – Team Sniper (Keen Lab and PC Mgr) targeting VMWare Workstation (Guest-to-Host)

5:45pm – Final closing and Master of Pwn award ceremony

Stay tuned as we will update this blog throughout the day with results from each attempt.